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Writer's picturePraneeta Vaidya

Year in review.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I guess it's natural to reflect during this time of year… so here it goes.

 Hit a huge milestone with my health and was able to stop chemo for way WAY longer than I thought I would be able to. Finally am starting to feel like myself from before I got sick.

I’ve lost a couple of friends , and an acquaintance. Still have terrible sleep hygiene, but on the other hand I have a weight loss and timeline goal.

I’ve made plans to meet my bestie in the country where we met.  I’m hoping that it brings back a slight sense of where I was so that I can see how far I have come. Sometimes you need that perspective in order to keep going, otherwise it feels like you’re not moving forward which can be so debilitating.

The shop is doing well, I was hoping to see a little more growth but things are heading in the right direction. I think I’m going to streamline what I make next year, not only subject matter but products as well. I really have to get this website more functional :) Made a few more small business market friends too which is awesome.

For the most part I feel like this year tested me and has thrown me a few curve balls but I feel like I have managed them well….. or well enough for now at least. The deaths of my two friends was one of those cured balls. One was suffering form an illness but the death was still sudden and the other … honestly I was surprised that they had not passed sooner, as harsh as that may sound. Those losses made me think a lot about my own situation and how now choose to approach death and as a result life.

 I need to find a way to make more time for myself . Just me out of the apartment and just doing things that I like doing , reading a book at a cafe for hours without thinking about the business and letting my brain use its other parts for a while. I have started painting again which had helped and I’m taking part in the Museum London shows as much as I can . I still can’t seem to find time to have any semblance of a social life. Sometimes I look back and can’t remember how I did it then!

All in all I feel like I made it out better by the end of this year than when it started. I’m looking forward to seeing my BFF and taking a break. Hopefully if my health keeps up then I look forward to expanding the business , taking on a little more and growing it more, and in turn connecting with this community more… I can’t bring myself to call it my community just yet.

If you have gotten this far in this post… thank you :) and I hope the next year brings you and yours growth and love.

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